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Now is the time to invest in retail


It is the perfect time!

The retail sector is parti­cu­larly affec­ted by the current crisis. The high sales and large custo­mer rushes are coun­te­red by staff shorta­ges, sick leave and deli­very bott­len­ecks. In addi­tion to the increased effort requi­red to reple­nish shel­ves, it is now simul­ta­neously neces­sary to protect the remai­ning staff — prefer­a­bly by redu­cing the amount of acti­vity on the floor. POS TUNING solu­ti­ons can help here.


The best protec­tion against infec­tion is to distance ones­elf. Ther­e­fore it is important that not too many custo­mers stand too long at a shelf looking for their products. But also employees who have to arrange and refill the shelf are at risk of coming into cont­act with many people.

Saving time for staff 

The POS TUNING push­feed systems ensure that products are auto­ma­ti­cally pushed to the front of the shelf. This elimi­na­tes the need for shelf main­ten­ance, which reli­e­ves the employees. Since every product has its fixed place on the shelf, filling and reor­de­ring is also made easier and can be done faster. This signi­fi­cantly mini­mi­zes the cont­act time at the shelf and the employees can concen­trate on other, more important things.

Protec­ting custo­mers

But custo­mers will also thank the retailer when they can quickly find their way around the shelf and access the products. The fact that all products are neatly arran­ged at the front of the shelf signi­fi­cantly increa­ses visi­bi­lity and orien­ta­tion for custo­mers. They can make decis­i­ons more quickly and thus keep over­all shop­ping time and cont­acts with other custo­mers to a mini­mum.

Bianca Schmidt, owner of the super­mar­ket REWE Schmidt is convin­ced of its effec­ti­ve­ness:  “The POS TUNING push­feed systems help us to reduce the corona infec­tion risk of our employees and custo­mers due to unneces­sary cont­acts on the shelf. Because through the push­feed system we reduce the shelf main­ten­ance time consider­a­bly. We can make very good use of this time savings to cope with the addi­tio­nal work that corona causes us”.

Digi­ti­sing logi­stics proces­ses

Shelf gaps, which are even more noti­ceable in these times than before, are also redu­ced by shelf arran­ge­ment and opti­mal product presen­ta­tion. In addi­tion, auto­ma­tion and digi­ta­li­sa­tion can simplify the orde­ring process and improve its quality. Here POS TUNING offers an ideal plat­form with the Retail Service Cloud from Neoalto ( Sensors, which are simply moun­ted on the pusher, report out-of-stock situa­tions before they happen and employees can be direc­ted to speci­fic loca­ti­ons where refills are needed. This is another aspect to reduce time on the shelf and ther­e­fore cont­acts.

New hygiene solu­ti­ons

In addi­tion to these stan­dard products, POS TUNING now also offers special hygiene products such as protec­tive walls for cash regis­ters, visors for employees, hygiene sticks for mobile payment and floor stickers as spacers for cash regis­ters and coun­ters to support retail­ers even in this diffi­cult phase ( The new product range will be offe­red under the name “Stay­safe” through the usual distri­bu­tion chan­nels.

All POS TUNING solu­ti­ons aim to make shop­ping simply better.

Ther­e­fore it is wort­hwhile to invest in solu­ti­ons that help in the Corona crisis, but which also offer a great advan­tage for custo­mers and employees after the crisis. Now is the time!



Press cont­act:

Maren Brett­meier
