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SPAR improves the shopping experience

SPAR improves the shopping experience

At SPAR in Las Palmas on Gran Canaria, the customer now has a full overview when shopping. In January, POS TUNING, the specialist for optimised product presentation at the point of sale, was assigned by SPAR to install pushfeed systems in more than 70% of the product categories. Since then cheese, drinks, pizza, chocolate & Co. have always been at the front of the shelves. When a product is removed from the shelf, the pushfeed system automatically pushes the next product to the front. The result is a particularly neat shelf appearance and the products are always optimally presented. The customer can see the desired product better and conveniently remove it from the front of the shelf.

Jesús Diaz Quin­tana, owner of Grupo Spar Mogán, atta­ches great importance to a tidy picture on the shelf: “The shelf is THE instru­ment with which we present the products and offer them to the custo­mer in opti­mal condi­tion”. The shelf order is often quickly lost, because the products are easily mixed up on the shelf, tip over or are poorly visi­ble.

With the POS TUNING push­feed systems, shelf main­ten­ance is now much easier for store employees: “We save a lot of time in shelf main­ten­ance and are more effi­ci­ent. The products, which previously had to be pulled forward by hand by the employees, are now auto­ma­ti­cally in front. Mr. Diaz Quin­tana also sees a considera­ble advan­tage for the orde­ring process: “We can imme­dia­tely see where a product needs to be refil­led because the gap in the shel­ves can be seen at a glance thanks to the proper alignment of the products. If you want to offer your custo­mers an opti­mal shop­ping expe­ri­ence, you have to use push­feed systems. The visual effect, the place­ment and the access to the product convince all along the line”, says Mr. Diaz Quin­tana, convin­ced of the POS TUNING push­feed systems.