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POS TUNING wants to become center of smart technologies

Forward-looking intelligent systems — not only for the point of sale — continue to come from Bad Salzuflen.


Bad Salzu­flen. (bre) For about 25 years, the name POS TUNING has stood for inno­va­tion and pionee­ring spirit. It is this pionee­ring spirit that is now — in the run-up to the anni­ver­sary of the market leader for goods presen­ta­tion systems in 2023 — paving the way for a new chap­ter in the company’s history. With invest­ments at the group’s head­quar­ters at Meerbrede in Bad Salzu­flen and a commit­ment to the indus­trial loca­tion of Lippe, the manage­ment is setting a clear course: Smart tech­no­logy for the retail trade — and beyond — will conti­nue to come from Bad Salzu­flen in the future.

It is not only in retail that feed tech­no­logy faci­li­ta­tes the work of many people today. Smart solu­ti­ons from Bad Salzu­flen can now also be found in indus­trial order picking and supply as well as in the health­care sector. In Germany and mean­while beyond the borders of Germany, POS TUNING has estab­lished itself as an inno­va­tion and market leader. In order to make room for new busi­ness areas, the company’s head­quar­ters at Meerbrede are now to be expan­ded. Addi­tio­nal produc­tion halls are to be built at the head­quar­ters of the Voßhen­rich group of compa­nies, expan­ding the area by a total of approx. 6,500 square meters.

“We are expan­ding in order to be able to expand further busi­ness areas,” explains mana­ging part­ner Oliver Voßhen­rich. He sees the retail sector in a tran­si­tion and depar­ture into the digi­tal age. “The effi­ci­ent manage­ment of inven­tory and the struc­tu­red removal and storage of goods in supply stores or shel­ves is a huge issue that takes up a lot of time. Time will become more and more valuable. Employees would rather concen­trate on their actual tasks. The auto­ma­tion and digi­ta­liza­tion of goods hand­ling crea­tes the neces­sary scope for this,” explains Oliver Voßhen­rich. POS TUNING will accom­pany this trans­for­ma­tion and connect proces­ses at the point of sale with future-orien­ted digi­tal systems. Sustainable manage­ment will also play a key role in all invest­ments and inno­va­tions. Oliver Voßhen­rich: “The circu­lar economy is beco­ming incre­asingly important, espe­ci­ally in the supply of goods, both in the design of products and their func­tion and in the manu­fac­tu­ring process.”

In order to struc­ture the plan­ned acti­vi­ties of the Salzuf­ler, POS TUNING Udo Voßhen­rich GmbH & Co KG beco­mes Voßhen­rich Invest GmbH & Co KG. The opera­tio­nal busi­ness is trans­fer­red to POS TUNING GmbH. Digi­ta­liza­tion is served by the company neoalto and the health sector by the company AKVIGO — both sister compa­nies of POS TUNING. Voßhen­rich Invest thus provi­des an umbrella for exis­ting and future compa­nies of the Voßhen­rich Group.

The mana­ging part­ner Oliver Voßhen­rich has a clear state­ment to make on this: “The new struc­ture has crea­ted the condi­ti­ons for us to set up our busi­ness acti­vi­ties in a broad and focu­sed way. As share­hol­ders, the Voßhen­rich family stands perso­nally behind all acti­vi­ties. Our custo­mers, busi­ness part­ners and the employees can rely on the fact that we will tackle the chal­lenges of the future toge­ther and in part­ner­ship.”

Senior boss Udo Voßhen­rich, whose name has always been part of the company name since it was foun­ded in 1998, is accom­pany­ing the change process and says: “As a family busi­ness, our name is a guaran­tee for the conti­nua­tion of our values and works. The manage­ment team of Bernd Schä­kel, Chris­toph Moser and my son Oliver has conti­nuously deve­lo­ped the company over the past years and mana­ged it well. The new struc­ture crea­tes space for the deve­lo­p­ment of our ventures — also for future gene­ra­ti­ons.”