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POS TUNING is one of Germany’s innovation leaders — Company from Bad Salzuflen makes it to first place.

Bad Salzu­flen (bre). The corks were popping in Bad Salzu­flen. POS TUNING has been awarded the certi­fi­cate “Germany’s Inno­va­tion Leader” by the F.A.Z. Insti­tute, a subsi­diary of the “Frank­fur­ter Allge­meine Zeitung”.

33,000 compa­nies were exami­ned by Prog­nos (one of the oldest econo­mic rese­arch compa­nies in Europe) on behalf of the F.A.Z. Insti­tute. The rese­arch was based on the patent appli­ca­ti­ons of compa­nies opera­ting in Germany over the past 10 years. In the evalua­tion, not only the number of patents but also their rele­vance was asses­sed. And POS TUNING even outper­for­med large market leaders from the retail sector in the cate­gory “Furnis­hings or access­ories for shops”.

POS TUNING has been a guaran­tor for inno­va­tive ideas and product deve­lo­p­ments for more than 20 years. What began as a “one-man opera­tion” in a garage in Bad Salzu­flen in 1998 is now a globally active company with 200 employees. More than 160 million parking spaces in over 120 count­ries are now equip­ped with intel­li­gent tech­no­logy from Bad Salzu­flen.

The company’s mission is based on the reali­sa­tion that shop­pers can only buy what they can see: Make. Shop­ping. Simply. Better. Mana­ging part­ner Oliver Voßhen­rich is deligh­ted about the award. “This title makes us very proud and also spurs us on. We always want to deve­lop further and conti­nue to help shape and improve the Point of Sale in the future. The fact that we have recei­ved this award is above all the gain of a great team from all areas of the company!”

Press cont­act

Maren Brett­meier

