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Perfect presentation of beverages – “It doesn’t work without us“

POS TUNING provides systems for the beverage presentation at the POS


Ever­yone knows that thirst is a very unplea­sant feeling. Ther­e­fore, how unplea­sant is it when the custo­mer wants to quench his thirst and stands in front of an empty shelf? The favou­rite soft drink is not there or it is so far back on the shelf that it cannot be found. So it makes sense to think about a refres­hing shelf opti­miza­tion.

POS TUNING from Bad Salzu­flen offers with the POS‑T push­feed system C90 and the POS‑T  glide system VARUS two possi­bi­li­ties to opti­mize the presen­ta­tion of bever­a­ges. Cans or bott­les are always perfectly presen­ted in the first row and annoy­ing pulling forward is no longer neces­sary. The product image is tidy and the custo­mer quickly finds the product he is looking for.

In this respect the new compart­ment range is charac­te­ri­zed by a special feature: univer­sal push feeds also make it consider­a­bly easier to change the product range. Only three compon­ents (divi­der, push feed and adap­ter rail) are requi­red to auto­mate complete assort­ments.

Or you can rely on gravity with the Varus glide system. With its unique surface, it is the ideal system for allo­wing products to glide gently forward, even with mini­mal incli­na­tion of the shel­ves. Inci­den­tally, the Varus glide system can also be used without any problems in the chil­ling area redu­cing shelf main­ten­ance effort for yoghurt pots and milk cartons.

Orien­ta­tion, visual upgrading of the cate­gory, perfect visi­bi­lity and redu­ced shelf main­ten­ance effort — the advan­ta­ges are obvious. Custo­mers and retail­ers can only win with these systems.

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