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Aral: new product presentation

Aral: Less out-of-stocks with new product presentation”

The magazine Stores and Shops reports on our successful project with Aral. Read how Aral has managed to optimise the tobacco presentation at the point of sale and to expand the product range by 40%.

Aral AG and POS Tuning, the manu­fac­tu­rer of the push­feed system, toge­ther with part­ners from the shop­fit­ting and tobacco indus­tries, have rene­wed the tobacco sales area at more than 1,000 Aral petrol stati­ons. The goals: opti­mi­zed custo­mer orien­ta­tion and less out-of-stocks.

Aral has rede­si­gned the entire area behind the tobacco coun­ter at more than 1,000 of its stores. Instead of conven­tio­nal metal shel­ves with price rails, glass shel­ves and push­feed systems from the Bad Salzu­flen-based manu­fac­tu­rer are used. This enab­led Aral to install 4 more shel­ves and update the place­ment: Ciga­ret­tes, loose tobacco and cigars are now presen­ted in 3 blocks.

It was important for the BP Group to keep pace with its compe­ti­tors in terms of product range width and appearance and also to reduce out-of-stocks and hand­ling costs. In this way, Aral increased its turno­ver, expan­ded its range by 40 percent and redu­ced out of stocks, as the expan­ded space now offers more space for the fast-moving items.

To trans­fer the concept to other count­ries and cate­go­ries, Aral plans to comple­tely elimi­nate out-of-stocks in the future by instal­ling stock beacons. The “Neoalto” plat­form of the POS Tuning busi­ness unit of the same name can notify shop opera­tors of low stock levels via smart­phone and auto­ma­ti­cally re-order items — the plat­form is inte­gra­ted into the merchan­dise manage­ment system. In the future, the effects of product push­feed systems in other cate­go­ries will also be measu­red.

Source (German):

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