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Never change a running system?

Who does­n’t know this saying? Chan­ging some­thing well-tried always has some­thing to do with risk. The danger that some­thing suddenly does­n’t run as well as before is always there. But standstill has never crea­ted new oppor­tu­ni­ties. And that is why POS TUNING has now made a few chan­ges to its push­feed systems.

The result is an opti­miza­tion of the compart­ment systems C60 and C90. The stan­dard systems, which can be used in almost all retail cate­go­ries, have under­gone seve­ral signi­fi­cant impro­ve­ments. The previous advan­ta­ges such as easy hand­ling and instal­la­tion as well as univer­sal appli­ca­bi­lity and flexi­bi­lity have been retai­ned. But with minor chan­ges, the strength and simpli­city has now been further enhan­ced.

The front rail and the push­feed units have been opti­mi­sed so that the whole system has a much higher stabi­lity. The new rail with special adhe­sive tape can now be used for all shelf types, whether glass, wood, metal or wire. It is now much easier to remove and reinstall for clea­ning or rebuil­ding the system, and yet it still sticks to the shelf and does not shift, even under the heaviest load. Of course, the rail is still available in grey and black to match the most common shel­ving systems. By using plas­tic instead of alumi­nium, the weight of the rail is much ligh­ter and the price is lower than the previous system. But also the moun­ting of the push­feeds on the rail has been impro­ved. The system can now with­stand the highest pres­sure even when filling very heavy products.

So seve­ral argu­ments which give the answer why now is the time for POS TUNING on the shelf. The impro­ved system makes not only retail­ers but also shop­pers happy! Because products are always visi­ble and tangi­ble at the shelf front, and this makes the entire shop­ping process easier and better.

You can find more infor­ma­tion on Push­feed Systems.


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