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Joint pilot project with Edeka

POS TUNING and EDEKA Daniels report on joint pilot project

On the 20th ECR Day in Essen on Sept 18th and 19th POS TUNING and the local Essen-based retailer EDEKA Daniels gave a lecture on a joint project in the forum “Collaborate for Experiences”. The focus was on how to inspire customers in stationary retail with a special point of sale.

Mr Dani­els showed many pictures from his newly opened store in March 2019 and explai­ned what is important to him when it comes to the Point of Sale. In his store, he focu­ses on fresh­ness and conve­ni­ence, new concepts such as freshly prepared sushi, a herb cupboard, a large illu­mi­na­ted coun­ter area and a wine & spirits depart­ment with a lot of atmo­sphere in the half-timbe­red house style.

Mr. Dani­els previously had 2 stores where he had alre­ady had good expe­ri­ence with POS TUNIN­G’s push­feed systems. He repor­ted a 7% increase in turno­ver in the conve­ni­ence cate­gory and a signi­fi­cant time saving in shelf main­ten­ance. He ther­e­fore deci­ded to imple­ment a large-scale pilot project with POS TUNING in the new store. This invol­ved the use of push­feed systems in 16 cate­go­ries. He repor­ted to the audi­ence that although the new opening did not allow him to evaluate sales versus the previous period, the systems had helped in the first phase in parti­cu­lar with too few staff and too many custo­mers.

His goals were achie­ved in all cate­go­ries: a higher-quality appearance, more visi­bi­lity and orien­ta­tion for the custo­mers and time savings for his employees. This was also confirmed by further study results with other retail custo­mers and univer­si­ties and agen­cies, which Kris­tin Kolbe-Schade presen­ted. All in all, an increase in turno­ver, redu­ced expen­dit­ure for shelf main­ten­ance and higher shop­per and employee satis­fac­tion were found in all projects.

At the end, the two compa­nies gave an outlook on the next steps in the coope­ra­tion. Further cate­go­ries are to be equip­ped with push­feed systems and a cate­gory with parti­cu­larly high out-of-stock rates is to be opti­mi­sed with a new beacon tech­no­logy from POS TUNING. The aim is to measure inven­tory and reduce out of stocks.