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Imagefilm wins media award

Bad Salzu­flen. (bre) Our image film won 2nd place at the World Media Festi­val. The film, which was produ­ced last year with Vogel­sän­ger Studios from Lage, was awarded silver in the Corpo­rate Commu­ni­ca­ti­ons cate­gory.

Senior Produ­cer Marc Hölscher from Vogel­sän­ger Studios had the idea to enter the film in the compe­ti­tion. He says, “We ente­red the film because it is very modern and contem­po­rary, and desi­gned and produ­ced to suit the target audi­ence. We are convin­ced that this film sets stan­dards in B2B corpo­rate commu­ni­ca­ti­ons.”

The image film was shot last year in July at the company’s head­quar­ters in Bad Salzu­flen and at a super­mar­ket near the Dutch border, among other loca­ti­ons. The preli­mi­nary work for the film took about six months. In seve­ral working sessi­ons, our marke­ting team deve­lo­ped the idea and concept for the film toge­ther with the Lagens agency. “The biggest chall­enge in the project was the deve­lo­p­ment of the concep­tual guide­line, which runs strin­gently through the project and serves all areas of inte­rest from POS indus­tries through the products while offe­ring maxi­mum enter­tain­ment value,” Marc Hölscher descri­bes the special demands placed on the team.

For the shoot, Cara Haus­dorf, Maren Brett­meier and Timm Becker from our marke­ting depart­ment at POS TUNING and an 8‑person team from Vogel­sän­ger Studios were on loca­tion for four days. In addi­tion to some profes­sio­nal actors who took on the main roles in the film, there was also the oppor­tu­nity for a few of our employees to get invol­ved in the shoo­ting and parti­ci­pate in some scenes.

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Weitere Infor­ma­tio­nen

The 23rd Tele­vi­sion & Corpo­rate Media Awards honor outstan­ding TV and corpo­rate media solu­ti­ons on an inter­na­tio­nal level. Awards are given to audio­vi­sual, print and online produc­tions from the fields of infor­ma­tion, educa­tion and enter­tain­ment, with parti­cu­lar empha­sis on how effec­tively the desi­gna­ted target group is addres­sed. The media submit­ted are divi­ded into 17 main cate­go­ries and nume­rous defi­ned subca­te­go­ries.

2022 Intermedia-Globe Silver

Inter­me­dia-Globe Silver