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“It’s easy to do!”

EDEKA Wiele in Bad Meinberg, Germany continues to rely on POS TUNING. Now the project “Beverage Presentation in the Cooler” has been successfully realised.

Bad Salzuflen/Bad Mein­berg. (bre) How easy it is to make shop­ping simply better is shown by the new project that we at POS TUNING have now reali­sed toge­ther with EDEKA Wiele in Bad Mein­berg. A beverage cooler near the check­out zone has been equip­ped by us with our shelf-ready push feed system.

Bad Mein­berg is a small, fine spa town in Lippe. About 17,000 inha­bi­tants live here. There is a spa theatre and the Extern­steine, which can be hiked in the vici­nity. And then there’s also a super­mar­ket. And it’s not just any super­mar­ket. Edeka Wiele is loca­ted in the heart of Bad Mein­berg. Andi Wiele has been running the market since Novem­ber 2018 and is setting comple­tely new shop­ping stan­dards here.

A bright, friendly ambi­ence, large wide aisles and espe­ci­ally much atten­tion to detail in the indi­vi­dual cate­go­ries, make the market a real eye-catcher. Andi Wiele has a real knack for market design and leaves nothing to chance. Even in the presen­ta­tion of his focus cate­go­ries, he relies fully on appearance and func­tion­a­lity. In the confec­tion­ery depart­ment, he has alre­ady equip­ped his shel­ves with POS TUNING. And not without reason.

I am thril­led with the good advice and espe­ci­ally with the compe­tence of POS TUNING. The products are perfectly desi­gned for func­tion­a­lity. And the design is also convin­cing.

Andi WieleEDEKA Wiele

That’s also one reason why he has now deci­ded to turn his drinks cooler near the check­out zone into a real gem with us.

Before and after compa­ri­son: On the left, the cooler without POS TUNING. On the right after the conver­sion.

His main cont­act for this project was our sales expert Maxi­mi­lian Bulau. He supported Andi Wiele from plan­ning to instal­la­tion. And this time, our new shelf-ready system was used.

Shelf-ready? What does that mean? “Basi­cally, it really is the total simpli­fi­ca­tion of instal­ling our products,” explains Maxi­mi­lian Bulau. “We now only have one box per shelf for the front rails and one for the pushers. These are alre­ady pre-assem­bled. Our front rails all have adhe­sive tape on the under­side. Once the front rail has been glued to the shelf, the pusher system only has to be atta­ched. That’s all there is to it. Then you deter­mine the appro­priate widths with the products and row after row fills up.”

Bulau conver­ted the beverage cooler to the new system within a very short time. And Andi Wiele is thril­led. “The drinks in the cooler are fast-moving. That’s espe­ci­ally good to see in the summer. You often have a messy shelf with gaps. Pulling is also time-consum­ing. With the conver­sion to the push feed systems, the drinks are always at the front and iit keeps a tidy look, even if there is only one bottle or can left. Gaps are also more noti­ceable now.”

Andi Wiele am Getränkekühler

Demons­tra­tion directly at the cooler: Maxi­mi­lian Bulau
and Andi Wiele look at the final result.

After the instal­la­tion, Maxi­mi­lian Bulau shows Andi Wiele how to quickly change the posi­tion of the push feeds. Simply press the system down briefly at the front so that the strand lifts to the rear and the posi­tion can be chan­ged. “It’s really easy,” says Andi Wiele happily. Nata­scha Pahl, the store mana­ger at Edeka Wiele, is also thril­led. “At last it looks really good!” she says happily.

Rundumservice POS TUNING

Easy instal­la­tion: Maxi­mi­lian Bulau atta­ches the front rail to the shelf. The adhe­sive tape gives the rail a firm hold — and it can still be remo­ved without any problems.

The shelf-ready instal­la­tion solu­tion makes it possi­ble.


This is how it works: sales profes­sio­nal Maxi­mi­lian Bulau explains to Edeka owner Andi Wiele how easy it is to adapt the push feed system.

But good looks alone are of course not all that speaks for the new, simpli­fied instal­la­tion concept. The sustaina­bi­lity concept is also very important here. Thanks to the newly deve­lo­ped pack­ing tech­no­logy and an impro­ved feed system that arri­ves at the custo­mer prac­ti­cally ready-assem­bled, a large amount of pack­a­ging waste can be saved. Plas­tic can also be largely dispen­sed with. That is our contri­bu­tion to the climate.

And when ever­y­thing can be instal­led so quickly, there is still time to talk about new joint projects. Andi Wiele alre­ady has many ideas and he wants to conti­nue to Make. Shop­ping. Simply. Better. with us. We are defi­ni­tely looking forward to it!

Watch the interview with Andi Wiele from EDEKA Wiele now and see for yourself:

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