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On 02.09.2022 the opening of the“Compe­tence Center Super­mar­ket” of the food akade­mie will take place in Neuwied. For over 85 years, the food akade­mie has been the only indus­try college for the German food trade and focu­ses on the perso­nal and syste­ma­tic quali­fi­ca­tion of specia­lists and mana­gers for the food trade. Since 1936, the guiding prin­ci­ple “From prac­tice for prac­tice” has charac­te­ri­zed the company. The offer is prima­rily based on the trans­fer of action-rele­vant tech­ni­cal know­ledge, which is based on an initial commer­cial trai­ning. This is supple­men­ted by quali­fi­ca­tion modu­les to complete social, perso­nal and metho­di­cal leader­ship skills.

The foun­da­tion stone for the new “Super­mar­ket Compe­tence Center” was laid on 15.01.2021. The previous teaching and sample super­mar­ket will now feature a comple­tely new teaching super­mar­ket, a new teaching kitchen, new semi­nar rooms, and a new student dormi­t­ory. As a spon­sor, we from POS TUNING were allo­wed to parti­ci­pate in the design of the new buil­ding. For this purpose, we have set up a recrea­tion room, which, in addi­tion to a comfor­ta­ble sofa and other seating, also provi­des a table tennis table. Through the wall design the parti­ci­pants get a small insight into our company and can have a closer look at our products in the show­case.
