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DÜBÖR protects their drivers with the CapMask from POS TUNING

CapMask suitable for many branches

Local companies stand together

Bad Salzu­flen. Stan­ding toge­ther is the order of the day in times of the Corona crisis. So on Monday the Bad Salzu­flen company Dübör recei­ved 30 “CapMask’s” from the Salzu­flen neigh­bour POS TUNING. Mana­ging direc­tor Oliver Voßhen­rich presen­ted the CapMask’s to the mana­ging direc­tor of the DÜBÖR company, Mr. Chris­toph Schneu­ing. The CapMask, which was deve­lo­ped only about 3 weeks ago at POS TUNING, is a face and spit protec­tion, which can be easily put on the peak of a base­ball cap and can protect the face of the wearer at work or in his leisure time from exter­nal influen­ces like liquids.

As a world­wide specia­list in release agents and spray tech­no­logy, the DÜBÖR company also deli­vers with many of its own vehic­les on a daily basis, to food manu­fac­tu­r­ers, prima­rily from the baking indus­try. Chris­toph Schneu­ing: “The protec­tion of our employees is an abso­lute prio­rity for us. Safety, clean­li­ness and hygiene have always been top prio­ri­ties for us in our ever­y­day work and are actively lived. Of course, we have also alre­ady taken further measu­res to ensure our produc­tion and deli­very capa­bi­lity as a system-rele­vant company.

The CapMask from POS TUNING comes exactly at the right time in times of an almost impos­si­ble procu­re­ment of protec­tive equip­ment and protects our deli­very drivers and custo­mers equally in daily chan­ging cont­act. A possi­ble appli­ca­tion, which can certainly be trans­fer­red to other areas.

The CapMask helps us to live up to our claim even in the current corona crisis”.