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How can I place and present products with POS T.REX?


Because POS T.REX can be used not only as a Product Carrier, but in combi­na­tion with seve­ral POS T.REX Product Carri­ers can become a whole shelf area, it is very easy to rede­sign the retail space.


Presenting with the POS T.REX Multiway Product Carrier

Placing products opti­mally at the front of the Product Carrier and at the same time always ensu­ring opti­mum stock levels is no problem with POS T.REX. The goods are always presen­ted visi­bly and within easy reach thanks to inte­gra­ted feed tech­no­logy. The built-in sensor tech­no­logy from the company neoalto, ensu­res perfect inven­tory manage­ment. The filling of the Product Carrier happens in the central warehouse and not on the surface. This saves time, money and is sustainable,
as product reple­nish­ment is also opti­mi­zed through predic­tive anas­ly­tics.

This makes POS T.REX revo­lu­tio­nary!

Flow of goods


goods availability

POS T.REX is versatile

POS T.REX connects proces­ses and sets new stan­dards. From indus­try, to retail, to the point of sale or point of consump­tion, to the consu­mer. This is what makes POS T.REX so special.

POS T.REX is the solu­tion for picking, trans­port­ing, placing and presen­ting goods.

A Product Carrier that covers all requi­re­ments while saving time, costs, waste and energy.

That is revo­lu­tio­nary.


What is the vision of POS T.REX?

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How can I opti­mize indus­trial proces­ses with POS T.REX?

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How can I make logi­stics proces­ses more effi­ci­ent with POS T.REX?

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How can I design promo­tio­nal place­ments with POS T.REX?

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