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How can I optimize industrial processes with POS T.REX?


With POS T.REX you set a stan­dard for the auto­ma­tion of produc­tion and logi­stics proces­ses. They avoid trans­port pack­a­ging. They protect your goods in tran­sit. You deli­ver your goods ready for presen­ta­tion and consump­tion. They help your custo­mers to save costs and time.


Production with the POS T.REX Multiway Product Carrier

POS T.REX sets a new stan­dard for indus­try, logi­stics and retail. POS T.REX is the Multi­way Product Carrier for your goods — from the manu­fac­tu­rer to the consu­mer. The stan­dar­di­zed and digi­ti­zed goods carrier helps auto­mate proces­ses at every stage of the value chain. This saves time, money, manpower and protects the envi­ron­ment. With POS T.REX all actors speak the same language. With POS T.REX you become part of the “Retail Revo­lu­tion”

Saves time


Increases the profit

Protects the environment

POS T.REX is versatile

POS T.REX connects proces­ses and sets new stan­dards. From indus­try, to retail, to the point of sale or point of consump­tion, to the consu­mer. This is what makes POS T.REX so special.

POS T.REX is the solu­tion for picking, trans­port­ing, placing and presen­ting goods.

A Product Carrier that covers all requi­re­ments while saving time, costs, waste and energy.

That is revo­lu­tio­nary.


What is the vision of POS T.REX?

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How can I make logi­stics proces­ses more effi­ci­ent with POS T.REX?

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How can I place and present products with POS T.REX?

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How can I design promo­tio­nal place­ments with POS T.REX?

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