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A real eye-catcher — effective sales promotion at the POS

What is meant by sales promotion at the POS

With sales promo­tion measu­res at the so-called POS, you form the basis for a conti­nuous increase in sales. POS comes from the English and lite­rally means the point of sale, i.e. the actual point of sale of a product. Not only in marke­ting, but espe­ci­ally in sales promo­tion, the point of sale plays a major role, since statis­ti­cally more than 60% of your custo­mers only decide on the spot which item they will actually buy. With a cleverly staged and attrac­tively desi­gned POS, this decis­ion can ther­e­fore be signi­fi­cantly influen­ced, espe­ci­ally in the B2C sector. Since the point on sale is the last oppor­tu­nity to present a product to the custo­mer and make it palata­ble, it should be given special conside­ra­tion when putting toge­ther a marke­ting mix. The term POS sales promo­tion is ther­e­fore now used to describe all measu­res to promote sales by targe­ting custo­mers at the point of sale. From merchan­dise carri­ers that put products in the spot­light, to adver­ti­sing banners and display anima­ti­ons, to sale promo­ti­ons or tastings, there are virtually no limits to crea­ti­vity here. Howe­ver, the more precis­ely the sales promo­tion measu­res are tail­o­red to your custo­mers, the more successful you will be. Newly estab­lished compa­nies in parti­cu­lar can take advan­tage of the active promo­tion of their own products and services and thus estab­lish them­sel­ves on the market and build up initial custo­mer loyalty.
With sensi­bly imple­men­ted sales promo­tion measu­res at the POS, you can achieve initial and follow-up purcha­ses, signi­fi­cantly improve the buying expe­ri­ence of your shop­pers, increase custo­mer frequency and retain your custo­mers. An appe­al­ing POS also encou­ra­ges spon­ta­neous purcha­ses and increa­ses product sales.

The different ways of sales promotion at the POS

A wide range of measu­res is available to you for sales promo­tion at the POS. To give you an initial idea of what these sales promo­tion measu­res can look like, we have coll­ec­ted some examp­les here:

  • Discoun­ting and special prices stimu­late moti­va­tion for spon­ta­neous purcha­ses and are a popu­lar way of gene­ra­ting atten­tion and attrac­ting walk-in custo­mers, espe­ci­ally in outdoor areas in the form of poster stands.
  • Sweepsta­kes or raff­les improve the inter­ac­tion with your custo­mers and increase the willing­ness to buy if the chance of winning is high.
  • Product samples and tastings invite you to try them out and increase the likeli­hood of your custo­mers buying.
  • Addi­tio­nal infor­ma­tion in the form of flyers, cata­logs or brochu­res encou­ra­ges shop­pers to take action and increa­ses the number of addi­tio­nal purcha­ses.
  • The last but proba­bly most signi­fi­cant sales promo­tion measure is a clear store layout. A struc­tu­red sales­room with a well thought-out presen­ta­tion of goods helps your custo­mer find his way around and leaves a good and, above all, lasting impres­sion. This is where we come in:

Poor visi­bi­lity and orien­ta­tion for shop­pers
as well as a messy fabric

pos tuning drogerie vergleich: vorherpos tuning drogerie vergleich: nachher

Perfect visi­bi­lity to the last product
and neat fabric

Targeted sales promotion with POS TUNING systems

Our systems make a signi­fi­cant contri­bu­tion to sales promo­tion at the POS. You want to know how? It’s simple: our cost- and time-saving systems for opti­mal product presen­ta­tion can be flexi­bly adapted to your ideas, high­light­ing even the slowest-selling areas in your store, ensu­ring perfect visi­bi­lity of all your items and thus incre­asing not only your custo­mers’ shop­ping expe­ri­ence, but also your sales in parti­cu­lar. And your employees will also thank you if you use our POS systems — they save time and make shelf main­ten­ance easier. Whether bever­a­ges, drugs­tore items, tobacco products, confec­tion­ery, products at the fresh food coun­ter or frozen goods: our success is no coin­ci­dence. You too can rely on our POS systems and let the numbers speak for them­sel­ves. For further infor­ma­tion as well as for ques­ti­ons about sales promo­tion at the POS, please do not hesi­tate to cont­act us!

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