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Merry Christmas!

And it’s alre­ady Christ­mas time again at POS TUNING. Time to say thank you for a very special year with many unfor­gettable moments. In 2023, we cele­bra­ted our 25th anni­ver­sary. This special anni­ver­sary is only possi­ble thanks to our great team and the many people who support and accom­pany us. Your support and trust are the corner­stone of ever­y­thing we do. On this basis, we are opti­mi­stic about the new year. And because there are pres­ents at Christ­mas, we distri­bute our gifts in the form of dona­ti­ons.

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The German asso­cia­tion “Lipper für Lipper” has been support­ing people whose dignity is threa­tened for 9 years. Be it through housing or unem­ploy­ment, disa­bi­lity or poverty — support­ing these people should bring a little hope and dignity back into their lives.
Deutsch­land hilft” is an alli­ance of renow­ned German aid orga­niza­ti­ons. The aim of this alli­ance, whose members include the Workers’ Sama­ri­tan Fede­ra­tion, World Vision and St. John Ambu­lance, is to provide effi­ci­ent, fast and coor­di­na­ted aid with the dona­ti­ons coll­ec­ted.

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