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That’s why with us

Our mission: shopping. Shopping. Simply. Make

Customers become fans!

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Therefore with Us

Your advantages with POS TUNING


We deve­lop inno­va­tions “Made In Germany” and pay atten­tion to quality and sustaina­bi­lity.


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Our distri­bu­tors and perma­nent bran­ches supply us to over 120 count­ries world­wide. All infor­ma­tion on the topic


Infor­ma­tion about POS TUNING — Whether cata­logs on the web shelf, our POS‑T news­let­ter or case studies from the field. Take a look!


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After that we strive

Our goals

POS TUNING takes respon­si­bi­lity for social, ecolo­gi­cal and econo­mic deve­lo­p­ment. A liva­ble envi­ron­ment and a posi­tive future for those who come after us is our goal. Only toge­ther can we achieve this goal. That’s why we are always ques­tio­ning our thoughts and actions and checking them for our sustainable foot­print. We review the use of our resour­ces against our sustainable goals and regu­larly evaluate our energy balance.

So that we shop­ping. Shop­ping. Simply. Better. With a green consci­ence.

Our ecological endeavor

We take respon­si­bi­lity for the envi­ron­ment by ACTING RESPONSIBLY.


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Our economic endeavor

Our company prin­ci­ples and certi­fi­ca­ti­ons — Quality at POS TUNING!


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Our social aspiration

Passing on success — through SOCIAL COMMITMENT


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More info

Learn even more!

Innovation Made In Germany

Our inno­va­tions, which are manu­fac­tu­red exclu­si­vely in Germany.


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Little POS child care

We are a family busi­ness with social commit­ment — LITTLE POS KINDERBETREUUNG.


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We as an employer

Our employees are the heart of the family busi­ness POS TUNING!


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… also take a look at our social media channels!

Have we aroused your interest? Then contact us!