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POS TUNING Shelf optimization for optimum work efficiency & customer friendliness!

What does professional shelf optimization look like?

The German family busi­ness has been manu­fac­tu­ring shelf opti­miza­tion systems to the highest quality stan­dards in Bad Salzu­flen since 1998. The focus here is on visual appearance as well as usabi­lity and custo­mer-friendly use. Elegant, space-saving presen­ta­tion paired with high func­tion­a­lity are the secret of years of expe­ri­ence and inno­va­tive tech­no­logy. LED light­ing and glass shel­ves help to present the goods in the best possi­ble way.

Which systems are used for shelf optimization?

Maxi­mum shelf opti­miza­tion can only be achie­ved by combi­ning seve­ral inno­va­tive systems. The Pos‑T Compart­ment C90, Post‑T LED systems, the Pos‑T front panels, Post‑T scan­ning rails and the Post‑T product chutes form an excel­lent system for opti­mum shelf presen­ta­tion.


Poor visi­bi­lity and orien­ta­tion for shop­pers
as well as a messy fabric


Perfect visi­bi­lity to the last product
and neat fabric

What do the individual components of our shelving optimization look like in detail?

The Pos‑T Compart­ment C90 push­feed system is ideal for ready-made salads, self-service cheese and self-service sausage. This system offers up to 20 % more floor space than other models. This increa­ses sales by a whop­ping 17%, as turno­ver is corre­spon­din­gly high in the refri­ge­ra­ted area in parti­cu­lar.
Post‑T shat­ter­proof glass shel­ves give your shel­ves a new look and let your store shine in a new light. These systems are also compa­ti­ble with all stan­dard shel­ving systems. This means that reno­va­tions can be carried out easily and effec­tively. Glass shel­ves also save space. Opti­mum use of space auto­ma­ti­cally increa­ses your sales. Another compo­nent of this system are special univer­sal brackets with inte­gra­ted rubber pads. The glass shel­ves show off high-priced spirits, tobacco products or fine perfu­mes to their best advan­tage. Instal­la­tion is extre­mely cost-effec­tive. In addi­tion, this shel­ving system achie­ves very good verti­cal space gains.
Post‑T LED systems draw custo­mers’ atten­tion to the goods in ques­tion. They increase the custo­mer’s percep­ti­ve­ness. This results in a 19 percent increase in turno­ver. LEDs reduce energy consump­tion and increase impulse purcha­ses.
Maxi­mum shelf presen­ta­tion can be achie­ved with shelf divi­ders above the front panel, scan­ning rails or product chutes. Post‑T divi­ders create easily reco­gnizable struc­tures. These are based on the respec­tive products. They are available in heights of 35, 60, 100 or 120 mm and in lengths from 80 to 580 mm. They are easy to fit and adapt. The low front height enables easy removal and sort­ing.
The Pos‑T front panels offer support, good visi­bi­lity and make it easy for the custo­mer to remove them. These are available in all stan­dard lengths and can be inser­ted into all U‑beads. Produc­tion in poly­car­bo­nate prevents heavy soiling. Roun­ded edges prevent the risk of injury to custo­mers and are gentle on the pack­a­ging.
Post‑T scan­ning rails are used for successful shelf opti­miza­tion through excel­lent shelf space protec­tion, adver­ti­sing and price labe­l­ing. The rails are available for wire, metal or glass shel­ves and in various lengths. They are also equip­ped with fastening elements for the push­feed and shelf orga­niza­tion systems. The right profile is available for all floor types.
In addi­tion, Post‑T product chutes are an important part of maxi­mum shelf opti­miza­tion. These are used for the presen­ta­tion of small goods such as cosme­tics, give-aways, cradle goods or confec­tion­ery. These are used in the check­out and coun­ter areas. These are available in various sizes and with custo­mi­zed prin­ting.


Poor visi­bi­lity and orien­ta­tion for shop­pers
as well as a messy fabric


Perfect visi­bi­lity to the last product
and neat fabric

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