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Our super talent: POS‑T Compartment C60

The Compart­ment C60 is the ideal puhs­feed system for product groups that include round, oval and also square packa­ges with a width of 39 mm or more. To prevent these commer­cial goods from “brea­king out” of the line, they must be supported by extre­mely stable walls on the side. For this purpose, the POS push­feed with indi­vi­dual feed strength is easily and flexi­bly moun­ted on the shel­ves. A trans­pa­rent and robust front screen also ensu­res a uniform front image and addi­tio­nal stabi­lity. The uniform shelf front provi­des a visual enhance­ment of the entire shelf and leads to a perma­nent presen­ta­tion of goods on the shelf.

Our product pushers are ther­e­fore parti­cu­larly suita­ble for drugs­to­res, where there are many diffe­rent product shapes.

The inte­gra­ted shelf divi­der ensu­res the correct distance between the products.
As if on rails: The guide profiles keep the push­feed and the product on track.
The ideal push­feed for product groups with round, oval or square pack­a­ging from a width of 39 mm.
The front anchor prevents the goods from falling out and serves as an adapt­a­tion element of the system.

Pushfeed for your drugstore products

Shower care

To the cata­log

Perso­nal hygiene

To the cata­log


To the cata­log

Hair styling products

To the cata­log

Hair colo­ra­tion

To the cata­log


To the cata­log

Shaving foam

To the cata­log

OTC products

To the cata­log

POS‑T Compartment C60 in action

Fancy more information? Here are our product videos!

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Weitere Infor­ma­tio­nen

POS‑T C60 Disco­ver our Compart­ment C60 in action

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Weitere Infor­ma­tio­nen

POS‑T C60 Disco­ver our Compart­ment C60 in the drugs­tore depart­ment

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Weitere Infor­ma­tio­nen

POS‑T C60 Disco­ver the quick and easy instal­la­tion of the Compart­ment C60

100 % advantages for the drugstore

Visibility and orientation

A better over­view and perfect product presen­ta­tion support shop­per-friendly hand­ling. They ensure a tidy shelf appearance and this also contri­bu­tes to the over­all look of the cate­gory and the store.

Greatly reduced shelf maintenance effort

Thanks to the auto­ma­ted front presen­ta­tion, there is no need to manu­ally pull products forward or bring them into shape.

Easy to store

Products do not tip over during storage and their cate­gory can be refil­led in a time-saving manner.

Easy adjustment when changing the planogram

Adap­ting to a new plano­gram is quick and can be done without instruc­tions. The product widths are used as a refe­rence and the divi­ders are simply moved to the new widths. Depen­ding on the size or weight of the products, the feeds can be exch­an­ged without tools.

Simple assembly

No tools are requi­red for instal­la­tion — the systems can be fitted in next to no time. Depen­ding on the type of shelf, they can be atta­ched by gluing, plug­ging or magne­ti­cally.

Customer-friendly removal

The perma­nent front presen­ta­tion means that products are always at the front of the shelf. Custo­mers can access them imme­dia­tely without having to reach deep into the shel­ves.

Low front height

The low front window makes it easy to remove products. The front panel is also no obsta­cle when putting away products. Despite its low height, it offers the products suffi­ci­ent protec­tion from falling out.

More turnover

By making products more visi­ble and acces­si­ble, they increase the shop­per’s impulse to buy and thus increase sales. People buy what they can see.

Significant time savings

The auto­ma­tic front presen­ta­tion mini­mi­zes the time requi­red for shelf main­ten­ance. Both filling and regu­lar checks can be carried out more quickly.

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