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POS solutions — Making shopping simply better

POS TUNING’s POS solu­ti­ons improve your custo­mers’ shop­ping expe­ri­ence many times over. We want to put your products in the lime­light with our POS solu­ti­ons and ensure an enorm­ous opti­mi­sa­tion of your goods presen­ta­tion at the point of sale. We guaran­tee 100% visi­bi­lity from the first to the last product and easy and custo­mer-friendly removal of all products. Sear­ching for the right product for ages was yester­day! — With our product feed systems, your custo­mers will always find the desi­red product quickly and easily at first glance. Our systems are perfect POS solu­ti­ons, regard­less of the area. The Point of Sale systems are very cost- and time-saving for an opti­mal presen­ta­tion of goods in retail. We offer you a compre­hen­sive range to guaran­tee more success at the point of sale with impro­ved displays and shel­ves. We have the follo­wing Point of Sale systems in our range:

  • Push feed systems
  • Lift systems
  • Gliding systems
  • Shel­ving systems
  • Shelf displays
  • Shelf light­ing
  • Theft preven­tion systems
  • Digi­tal services

POS Solutions — For the Supermarket

We offer indi­vi­dual POS solu­ti­ons for every product cate­gory. We simplify shelf main­ten­ance expen­ses for your staff, enhance your custo­mers’ shop­ping expe­ri­ence and your success at the point of sale. Our range offers shelf systems for all food cate­go­ries, regard­less of their pack­a­ging. Our POS solu­ti­ons put your drinks in the best possi­ble light — whether chil­led, non-chil­led, large or small. We have merchan­dise feed and slide systems for bever­a­ges in diffe­rent sizes and shapes, which can be used in normal shel­ves as well as in refri­ge­ra­ted units. The feed systems ensure a steady front presen­ta­tion of your non-alco­ho­lic and alco­ho­lic bever­a­ges. We move each of your bever­a­ges to the right place with our prac­ti­cal POS solu­ti­ons. In the frozen food depart­ment, not only is opti­mal shelf arran­ge­ment and front presen­ta­tion of goods important, but also fast and custo­mer-friendly removal of the goods. With our goods feed and lift systems for refri­ge­ra­tors and free­zers, every product is easy to reach and your custo­mers and staff no longer have to bend down deep into the free­zers.

For fresh and conve­ni­ence products, a quick sale is of great importance due to short best-before dates. Ther­e­fore, you should rely on good POS solu­ti­ons here. To ensure that no product disap­pears at the back of the shelf and goes bad, we offer you various product feed systems for opti­mal visi­bi­lity at the front of the shelf. Confec­tion­ery incre­asingly belongs to the impulse purcha­ses of shop­pers. In order to achieve a higher impulse purchase rate and thus gene­rate a higher turno­ver, POS solu­ti­ons such as our product feed or sliding systems are the right decis­ion. In this way, you can achieve a tidy product image.

POS solutions — For the drugstore and tobacco shelves

With our POS solu­ti­ons, we help you to use the space of your tobacco shelf effec­tively and to attract the atten­tion of custo­mers with the help of our shelf systems. In addi­tion, we offer various systems specia­li­sed in tobacco products for Next Gene­ra­tion products.

In drugs­to­res, shelf main­ten­ance in parti­cu­lar is very time-consum­ing for employees. Shel­ves filled with care products should also shine with beauty and show a corre­spon­din­gly well-kept shelf order. The diffi­cul­ties that drugs­tore products in parti­cu­lar present are their diffe­rent sizes and shapes. We also offer POS solu­ti­ons for these diffe­rent shapes, such as various goods feed systems, to make shelf main­ten­ance easier for you.

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