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No more low POS sales thanks to POS TUNING

The perfect order for higher POS sales with our pusher system

With our POS TUNING system, we opti­mize the POS sales in every store. We as a company are on the mission to make the most out of the product place­ment in your store so that the custo­mer can have the best shop­ping expe­ri­ence. If a custo­mer comes to a store, he often­ti­mes does not have a lot of time to buy all that he needs or is stres­sed, because he is in work break or on the way home. Coming in a chao­tic store, where you can hardly see the products and need to search for what you want can make this situa­tion even more stressful and the whole shop­ping expe­ri­ence turns out to be a torture. To higher the POS sales, it is neces­sary to make the shop­ping expe­ri­ence enjoya­ble for the custo­mer. And that is exactly what we do through opti­mi­zing the display of products in your store. With our POS TUNING system, we place your products in an orde­red way in the shel­ves so that they are perfectly visi­ble for the custo­mer. Through tidy­ing the shel­ves, we also change the over­all look from the whole store so that through its tidi­ness, it radia­tes a calming and welco­ming atmo­sphere. The custo­mer, in his stres­sed mood, can now come into the store and calm down to make quick and easy decis­i­ons and get ever­y­thing that he needs.

A simple mechanism to offer the perfect base for good POS sales

Through our inno­va­tive pusher system, we guaran­tee better POS sales. Being our main product, the pusher system is an inno­va­tive mecha­nism, that pushes products in front of the shelf, so it stands face­ward in front of the custo­mer. The products are then perfectly orde­red and in line. The custo­mer sees every product next to each other in the best way presen­ted and can choose easily and quick. Produ­ced in diffe­rent sizes, the pusher system can be built in every shelf and used for every type of product. We provide your whole store and order every product, so that the store is tidy and clean, and the products perfectly displayed. Through that, we also give employees time, that they normally would use to clean shel­ves and order products, to dedi­cate to more important tasks, like custo­mer service, which would also improve the shop­ping expe­ri­ence to the better.

POS TUNING – Unique and Made in Germany

With our POS sales opti­mi­zing tech­ni­ques, we are unique in the world­wide market. Foun­ded in 1998 we are a German company, based in Bad Salzu­flen, where we also produce our products in our own manu­fac­tory. Through produ­cing and distri­bute all in our own manu­fac­tory, we have the total control of every step of produc­tion. Through that, we are a hundred percent in charge for a guaran­teed quality, that we always base on high stan­dards. Our simple tech­ni­ques really proved its effi­ci­ency and opti­mi­zes not only the over­all look and atmo­sphere of your store, inclu­ding the custo­mer shop­ping expe­ri­ence, but also the sales of your store. Because a custo­mer always comes back to where he knows, he will get a good expe­ri­ence and stays loyal to the stores, he felt good in.

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