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The POS sales system, that has only advantages for your store

How to enhance your point of sale through our POS sales system

With our POS sales system, we reor­ga­nise your whole store and enhance the product visi­bi­lity the best way possi­ble. To make a good and quick decis­ion possi­ble for the custo­mer, the point of sale is the central and most important element in product selling. After seeing chao­tic stores and messy shop­ping envi­ron­ments, where there was no atten­tion given to the point of sale, we deve­lo­ped a POS sales system, that really makes the most out of the point of sale in stores and enables the products to be presen­ted in the best way possi­ble. With this system we order the store and orga­nise it in a clean and tidy way, that welco­mes the custo­mer and shows him all the products possi­ble of buying. Through that, we make the perfect media­tor between sellers and buyers. The sellers can be sure, that their product is perfectly placed and presen­ted, and the custo­mer can rely on finding the products he needs or even get inspi­red to try out new products, that have a fair chance of being sold, when presen­ted in that way.

The pushing part of our POS sales system

The POS sales system consists of diffe­rent elements. The key peace to it, is a simple pusher system, that comes in diffe­rent sizes for diffe­rent products and can be built into every shelf. Told by the name alre­ady, the pusher system pushes the products to the front of the shelf. The products are now in line and face the custo­mer straight. By inte­gra­ting multi­ple pushing systems into one shelf, we are able to order them and place them in line and next to each other. The shelf is now comple­tely in order and the products perfectly displayed and visi­ble for the custo­mer. Through orde­ring the shel­ves in your store in that way, it not only chan­ges the whole look and through that also the atmo­sphere of your store, it also gives your employees time, that they would normally use to clean the store, to devote them­sel­ves to more important tasks, like custo­mer service, which also amelio­ra­tes the whole shop­ping expe­ri­ence for the custo­mer.

How to control everything in store, with our POS sales system

Enab­ling a better shop­ping expe­ri­ence for the custo­mer through our POS sales system, is our main mission. We want to make the shop­ping expe­ri­ence as successful as possi­ble, so that we have custo­mers that are happy and come back to the store, they felt good in. But not only is our POS sales system the perfect base for a good shop­ping expe­ri­ence for the custo­mer, but also for you as a store owner. Supple­men­ted by the sensory element Stock Beacon, that tracks the full­ness of the shelf via modern laser tech­no­logy, we complete our POS sales system and offer you the perfect and easiest way, to track your stock of products. The Stock Beacon is connec­ted to a neoalto retail service could, that saves the infor­ma­tion given by the Stock Beacon and gives you the perfect control over every single product placed in your store. Our pusher system paired with the sensory element Stock Beacon makes the perfect ensem­ble for a successful POS sales system in your store.

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