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Simply and effective – our POS installation

Getting the best customer shopping experience with our POS installation

With our POS instal­la­tion, we opti­mize the point of sale in your store and through that enhance the whole shop­ping atmo­sphere for the custo­mer. For a successful selling of products, it is important to really focus on the point of sale. The point of sale is the place, where the custo­mer sees the product and where he makes the decis­ion whether to buy a product, or not. Custo­mers often­ti­mes do not have a lot of time while shop­ping and wants to make easy and quick decis­i­ons, to have a successful shop­ping expe­ri­ence. What they do not need is a chao­tic store, where products fly around and they have to search for the things they need, which can be stressful and also takes time. With our POS instal­la­tion, we clean up the stores and opti­mize the point of sale for you and your custo­mers in a way, that makes it espe­ci­ally easy to find the products needed and also present them in the best way possi­ble.

The pusher system as the base of the POS installation

The POS instal­la­tion, that we inven­ted, is as simple as effec­tive and really chan­ges the whole look and atmo­sphere of your store with just one easy mecha­nism. Consis­ting of a simple pusher system, it comes in diffe­rent sizes for diffe­rent products and can be built into every shelf. The POS instal­la­tion pushes the products to the front of the shelf, so that it stands up and faces the custo­mer straight. In that way, the product is perfectly visi­ble for the custo­mer and placed in a perfect order. Stan­ding in line with the other products in the shelf, the custo­mer can see every product, compare, and make an easy decis­ion. Presen­ting in that way also gives new products a fair chance to be seen by custo­mers, who always wants to be inspi­red and to try new things. Orde­ring every product in every shelf also cleans up the whole store and gives it a tidy display. If a custo­mer now enters a store, he will find hims­elf in a tidy and calm envi­ron­ment which natu­rally radia­tes a rela­xed atmo­sphere for a good shop­ping expe­ri­ence.

Completing the POS installation with the Stock Beacon

The POS instal­la­tion can then also be supple­men­ted by the sensory element Stock Beacon, to really opti­mize the point of sale. The Stock Beacon is built into our pusher system and tracks the stock of products, that are in the shelf, with a modern laser tech­ni­que. Connec­ted to the neoalto retail cloud, the Stock Beacon submits the tracked infor­ma­tion in real time. Through that, you as a store owner, always have an over­view of the products in your store and you can track your stock of products in an easy and digi­tal way. Through this system, we make sure, that no products get lost and we lower the waste of products. All our products are made, to simplify the process of keeping and order in your store and to really opti­mize it in every way. Opti­mi­zing a store means opti­mi­zing the custo­mer shop­ping expe­ri­ence, which is our main mission.

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