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We make the most out of your point of sale in food

The POS food – the base for a good shopping experience

With our pusher system, we guaran­tee the maxi­mum opti­miza­tion of your point of sale in the food section in your store. Through that, we will not only get the best presen­ta­tion of your products possi­ble, but we also amelio­rate the whole shop­ping expe­ri­ence for the custo­mer. How we do that, is simply explai­ned. Our main mission is to really create the best shop­ping expe­ri­ence for the custo­mers and to enable that, we really obser­ved what it takes to create an atmo­sphere, that welco­mes the custo­mer and where he feels good in. The first thing that we noti­ced was, that the order of a store is one of the main factors, that deter­mine the over­all look and ther­e­fore also the over­all atmo­sphere of a store. Messy stores radiate a chao­tic and stressful mood which also makes the whole shop­ping stressful. We deci­ded to start there and to change the store display into a better and tidier one. To change a whole store and the whole shop­ping expe­ri­ence, we deve­lo­ped a simple mecha­nism, that is now the base of a company.

Our pusher system – the revolution for your POS food

Consis­ting of a simple pusher system, this mecha­nism can be built into every shelf and is a needed addi­tion, espe­ci­ally at the point of sale in the food section. The food section is the biggest and most diverse in a grocery store. In shel­ves and frid­ges, you find diffe­rent types of food, diffe­rent varie­ties, and types of every product. Between these opti­ons, the custo­mer must find what he needs and wants and most of the time, he needs to find the products quickly. If the shel­ves are chao­tic, it is simply annoy­ing and takes time, which frus­tra­tes the custo­mer and crea­tes a nega­tive shop­ping expe­ri­ence. In comes our pusher system, that takes all the products, orders them in line and pushes them to the front of the shelf. The product is now perfectly displayed at the point of sale in the food section and easily visi­ble for the custo­mer. He also sees the products stan­ding next to each other in a clean order, so that he can make an easy and quick decis­ion.

Optimizing the POS food through Stock Beacon

To really improve your point of sale in food, we pair our pushing system with an inno­va­tive sensory element, that tracks the stock of products in your shelf with the help of modern laser tech­no­logy. The sensory element Stock Beacon is built into the pusher system and connec­ted to a cloud. With the laser tech­no­logy, it tracks the fulness of the shelf and sends the infor­ma­tion in Real­time to the cloud, where you can see the stock of your shel­ves. Through this system, you really have the perfect over­view of your store and the products in it. We reduce waste and you are able to track easily what you sell. With our pushing system paired with the Stock Beacon, we opti­mize your point of sale of food in your store effec­tively and enable a tidy and calm atmo­sphere for a good shop­ping expe­ri­ence for the custo­mer.

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